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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Join anytime! But join by the 4-H enrollment deadline, March 1st here in Fayette County, to take advantage of all 4-H opportunities including participation in Fair.

All returning members will utilize 4-H Online for re-enrollment in 4-H. If you are unsure of your login credentials, contact the Extension office to get your email connected to the account and follow the instructions provided below. Go to for logging in.

If you are completely new to 4-H you will enroll online as well, but you first need to select a club and begin attending meetings. 

2025 Parent Guide

When joining a club, you will want to consider:

  • Think about your project interest. Some clubs will work with all projects; some have limits on the type of project they will accept in their club. If you have a specific interest, you will want to look for a club that works with your project interest. If you do not have a project interest at this point, you will want to look for a club that works with all projects.
  • Schedule. Find a club whose meeting schedule is possible for you. Some clubs have a set meeting night and some clubs vary their meeting night to accommodate various family schedules. You will need to contact the Extension Office at 740-335-1150 to get a copy of the club list.
  • Once you have decided on a club(s) that might be a possibility for you, call and ask the organizational club advisor if you can visit at their next club meeting. It is okay to visit more than one club before deciding which is the best club for you.
  • This QR Code gives us some more information on how we can best match you with a club.

Join 4-H QR Code






Some of our clubs accepting new members for 2025!

 All N One Recruitment FlyerCharm N Farm  2025- Accepting New MembersHead Hearts & Hooves 2025- Accepting New MembersLucky Leaf Livestock 2025- Accepting New Members Rough Riders Recruitment Flyer

Looking for a 4-H project? Or, still, need help in trying to decide on what project to take?

Project Central

Give us a call or stop into the Extension office to look at a copy of the project books during buisness hours 8:00 am-4:30 pm.


Re-Enrollment Tool Kit





New Member Enrollment



Across County Line 

Youth are expected to affiliate with the 4-H program in their county of residence.

  • 4-H membership in two counties simultaneously is not permitted.
  • In situations where the county of residence does not have a 4-H program, youth may not join 4-H in another county.
  • If county financial support for Ohio State University Extension ceases to exist, 4-H membership status already established in that county will end on the date the funding ends (established by Extension Administration). 4-H membership of youth, residing in a county that has lost funding, who have preestablished cross-county line 4-H membership agreements in place will be permitted to continue participation in their non-resident county through December 31 of that 4-H membership year.

Cross-county lines membership within Fayette County has a deadline for submission, refer to the 4-H Calendar. In addition to the policies surrounding Across County Lines provided by Ohio 4-H, Fayette County has specific guidelines outlined in the county 4-H Policies.

Across County Lines Policy and (fillable) application 




Accommodations can be made for youth with disabilities through our Winning 4-H Plan. (The Winning 4-H Plan is similar to an IEP in school).

To make an accommodation request, complete the Winning 4-H Plan Request Form (link below) and send it to your local 4-H Professional.

School vs. 4-H

There may be differences between 4-H accommodations and the accommodations received in secondary schools. Secondary school follows the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), which is the nation’s special education law. Schools may need to alter requirements and provide accommodations, commonly with an Individual Education Plan (IEP), to ensure that students can be successful. Schools provide evaluation services to diagnose disabilities and identify accommodations.

Ohio 4-H and OSU Extension, as part of The Ohio State University, are required to provide reasonable accommodations and access through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This civil rights law prevents discrimination based on having a disability. Any organization receiving federal funding must comply with Section 504. Unlike secondary schools, the family is responsible for seeking services, and an IEP does not directly transfer to 4-H. Although 4-H members are typically secondary school students, the accommodations process is similar to that of college students. Postsecondary Education Students with Disabilities Preparing for may help families set expectations for accommodations within 4-H. 

Winning 4-H Plan at a Glance

Winning 4-H Plan Request Form - two options:

Print and Write - print this form, handwrite your responses, then send 

PDF Fillable - open this form, type your responses, then print and send 

Winning 4-H Plan Exhibition Accommodations Form

PDF Form