Welcome to our new ChopChop Kids Club newsletter! Are you home from school right now? This is the perfect time to learn to cook—or, if you already know how to cook, to master some skills. Plus, if you can make a meal or two, you’ll be helping your family in such an important way (and your adults will be so happy). You might not be shopping much, so the trick will be using what you’ve already got at home. We have ideas about that. For more fun and healthy ideas go to chopchopfamily.org
Let’s get started in 2020!
Volume 2 What to do with a Banana
Volume 3 Focusing on Canned Tomatoes
Volume 5 Focusing on Birthdays
Volume 11 Focusing on Chickpeas and Garbanzo Beans
Volume 15 Smashed Cucumber Salad and Cucumber Lemonade
Volume 17 Pineapple Frozen Yogurt
Volume 19 Watermelon Popsicles and more Delicious Treats
Volume 20 Fruit Water, Fruity Ice Cubes and More
Volume 22 Cooking with Tomatoes